(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71626a7671,(SELECT (ELT(2576=2576,1))),0x716a7a7671,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3368 UNION SELECT 4361 UNION SELECT 9344 UNION SELECT 1368)a GROUP BY x) AND (('llML'='llML///uNhEx(////hEx(////cOnCaT(0x7e,0x413936313543373834333044,0x7e)))) ////fRoM information_schema.////tAbLeS ////lImIt 0,1),floor(rand(0)2))x ////fRoM information_schema.////tAbLeS group by x)a) and '1'='1 rev_3.0.0_2.6.13.2">

VSRDA Glossary

  • POD
    POD (Probability of Detection): The chance that an object or missing person will be detected if present.  
  • POA
    POA (Probability of Area): The chance that a missing person (or clue) is in the search Area.  
  • PLS
    PLS (Point Last Seen): a point where a witness actually saw the subject. The PLS is usually the IPP (Initial Planning Point).